Veterinarian. Mother. Kickboxer.

Robin Mundt is 38 years old and a mother of three.

Robin Mundt is a veterinarian of 11 years.

And Robin Mundt is a kickboxer.

Mundt has been doing Muay Thai on a recreational basis for a few years. She has been taking classes at Dubuque Martial Arts Group and the Dubuque Community Y, and sparring and doing drills with friends. But on Saturday, May 12, 2018, Mundt did something she never believed she could do. She competed in her first fight. “I didn’t think that I could make it through the training. There was just so much doubt . . . so much doubt in myself about what I could or wouldn’t be able to do,” Mundt said.

She has been training hard for months: putting in hours at DMAG after 10-hour workdays, toting her kids along to the gym, doing drills with friends on racquetball courts and in basements, shadow boxing in parking lots, at work, and in the shower. Some days after a long and exhausting training session, she’d get home, put her head on the pillow, and get a call to go into work. She has come home sore and tired with bruises and black eyes. But through it all Robin is proud that she got through the rigorous training. And even prouder that she stepped into the ring. “Win or lose, half the battle is just the guts to get in the ring.”

(For the Telegraph Herald)